Most common allergies

Food allergy is an adverse reaction of your body’s immune system to food (food hypersensitivity). The range of food allergens varies in different age groups. The most common food allergens causing allergies in babies include cow’s milk and eggs. In children: eggs, milk, nuts, wheat, soy, and fish. In adults: vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, shellfish, and seasoning. Symptoms of food allergy can vary. Food allergy in babies and children typically starts with red skin and bowel (or digestive tube) dysfunction (sickness, diarrhoea). More rare reactions include damage to respiratory organs. Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis) is a common form of food allergy in babies and children. Young children and adults often experience hives, laryngeal edema and anaphylactic shock.
Atopic dermatitis (also known as atopic eczema) is a chronic skin problem that causes intense itching, dysfunction of the skin’s barrier function, recurring skin inflammation and linkage to other allergies. This skin disease can be caused or provoked by food allergens and histamine releasing substances. Household, epidermal, and contact allergens. Dry skin and triggers, skin infections, unsuitable climate, sweat, emotional stress and somatic diseases.
Hay fever (also known as allergic conjunctivitis) is an eye inflammation causing red, watery, itchy or gritty eyes.
Allergic rhinitis is a type of inflammation of nasal membrane causing frequent sneezing, nasal itching, watery secretions from nose, and nose swelling. If the allergic rhinitis is caused only by pollen, it can be called pollen allergy or pollinosis. Typically, it is followed by eye inflammation. Pollen allergy with annually recurring symptoms is most common during the months when certain plants are in blossom. In our country, May is the month when trees are in full bloom. June, the grass is in full bloom. And August, the weeds are in full bloom, including the highest concentrations of pollen in the air.
Bronchial allergy (also known as asthma) is a chronic respiratory disease with symptoms including wheezing, breathlessness and/or coughing attacks. Asthma can be allergic (its origin and course depend on the types of allergens) and non-allergic (when allergens are out of suspicion or it is impossible to detect them).
Allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) is a condition in which the skin suffers inflammation after meeting an allergen. The most common contact allergens include metal (nickel, chrome, cobalt), cosmetics, perfumes, disinfectant substances, drugs, and latex. Hives are red, itchy, raised welts on the skin. Hives can be caused or provoked by foodstuff and nutrient additives, medicines, and infections. Also by physical factors such as cold, heat, pressure, vibration, water, insect bites and stings, and psychological factors.