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Unique Medical Technology for Arthrosis Treatment

Disease of the bone joints, or in other words, wear and tear, is the most common degenerative joint and spine disease. When it develops, it heavily damages the articular cartilage. The main cause of arthrosis is constant and excessive physical activities that exceed the joint capabilities. Arthrosis can be caused by many other factors such as obesity, heredity, the correctness of limb axis, or metabolic, autoimmune, and other inflammatory or infectious diseases.

Surgeries performed at Northway Medical and Surgical Centre involve a unique medical technology that enables real-time, point-of-care collection of patient’s tissues, and preparation of a mixture of his stem and regenerative cells in Celution 800 System that is administered on patient’s damaged site.  These unique surgeries produce a regenerative effect, recover the damaged cartilage, and significantly improve joint condition, reduce joint swelling and release patients from tiresome pain.

According to Kęstutis Bliznikas, trauma and orthopaedic surgeon who performs this kind of surgeries, administration of the cell mixture results in the improvement of the blood circulation around that area, strengthening of body’s disease resistance, and stimulating healing. The patient experiences continued improvement during the first month, and until his condition stabilizes.

The Celution 800 Device was acquired with the aim to provide medical services to patients more efficiently. This is the first device of its kind in the Baltic States that will enable Northway Medical and Surgical Centre to offer patients the most advanced services in regenerative medicine. This therapy will be particularly helpful to patients who underwent conventional treatment but it proved to be ineffective. This medical technology is especially effective not only in the treatment of joints but also in the treatment of open wounds, burns, or hardly curable diseases.

In Vilnius S. Žukausko g. 19 +370 5 264 4466 Internetu