Vaccination for travellers

If you are planning to travel, it is recommended to learn about the risks of contagious diseases and possible preventive measures. To get your immunity formed, you need to wait for some time after the vaccination. This period depends on the type of disease you are vaccinated against, the number of required doses and whether a person has been previously vaccinated from it. So you should visit your doctor at least 4-6 weeks before you depart.
After a family doctor evaluates all risk factors of the trip and the traveller’s health status, he will draw an optimal plan for protection. All administered vaccines will be recorded in the international immunisation passport.
The following factors must be taken into consideration for vaccination:
- the country or countries planned to visit;
- type of the trip;
- living conditions in the planned country;
- trip duration;
- trip’s goal;
- traveller’s age and health status;
- previous preventive vaccinations.