Opening hours





Opening hours E-shop About health

Booking procedure

Appointment booking procedure

  • We only provide medical services to patients who have an appointment. You can book an appointment in Vilnius by calling +370 633 30 303 during the medical centre’s work hours. You can also book an appointment online.
  • After you book an appointment, you will receive a confirmation or reminder via SMS.
  • An operator at our appointment desk will also inform you of the necessity of any special preparation for the appointment (for example, to avoid eating before your test, etc).
  • When applying for surgery, you will discuss the date and the precise price with your doctor during the consultation.
  • If you cannot arrive for the appointment at the scheduled time, please call our office at +370 633 30 303.
  • The patient can book a follow-up visit with a medical specialist if he/she applies during the same month for the same episode of outpatient treatment or test.

Patient Attendance Procedure

At Northway medical centres, we pay particular attention to the safety of our patients and staff. Please familiarize yourself with the patient attendance procedure:

  • Patients are allowed to come to the centre 10 minutes before the appointment.
  • Please arrive alone, without companions. People with mobility issues, the disabled, and children may arrive with a companion.
  • It is recommended to wear a protective face mask and disinfect his/her hands.


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