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How to prepare for endoscopic examinations

Gastrointestinal endoscopy (fibrogastroscopy)

  • Do not eat or drink anything for 7-8 hours before your examination.
  • If intravenous anaesthesia is planned for the procedure and the procedure is not scheduled in the morning, you should avoid eating or drinking for the entire day.
  • If you are taking medication to control your blood pressure, you should take it in the morning with some water.


  • The rectum must be emptied before the examination by ingesting 2 micro-enemas which can be purchased at a pharmacy. One micro-enema must be ingested in the evening, while the other must be ingested 2 hours before the procedure.
  • Do not eat or drink anything for 6 hours before your examination. You can drink only water.


  • Preparation method of the large intestine (colon) for the colonoscopy procedure is individually tailored to each patient (for example, if you have constipation or diabetes mellitus, your preparation will be different and more intensive than usual).
  • You should eat low-fibre foods for 1-3 days before the procedure (refer to the below-listed recommendations on nutrition).
  • If your colonoscopy is scheduled in the morning (8.00-12.00 a.m.), you should drink preparation solutions the night before the examination. It is important to drink the last solution at least 6 hours before the exam.
  • If your colonoscopy is scheduled in the middle of the day (12.00 a.m.-3.00 p.m.), you should drink half of the solution on the night before the exam, while the second half should be drunk early in the morning on the day of the exam, and then the last portion 4 hours before the procedure.
  • If your colonoscopy is scheduled in the late afternoon or evening (3.00 p.m.-8.00 p.m.), you can drink the entire preparation solution on the day of the exam.
  • You must not eat or drink on the day of the procedure. If you have to take medication due to a chronic condition, you can do so with some water in the morning (on the day of the exam).

Nutritional recommendations as part of preparation for colonoscopy

2-3 days before the procedure (for example, if the exam is scheduled for Monday, start your preparation on Friday)

Foods that are not allowed: Foods that are allowed:
– Seeds, nuts, cereals and groats, foods and red- or violet-coloured drinks, all foods, fruits and vegetables, except for white-coloured foods, fruits and vegetables – Milk, natural yoghurt with no additives, cottage cheese, mayonnaise with no herbs, sour cream, whipped cream, butter
– White bread, white rice, white pasta, straight grade flour
– Jacket potato
– Skinless chicken breast, skinless white fish fillet, eggs
 – Cheese with no additives (without cumin or herbs)
 – White chocolate with no additives, vanilla ice cream, sugar

1 day before the procedure (for example, if the exam is scheduled for Monday, start your preparation on Sunday)

You can eat a light breakfast (for example, a boiled egg with a slice of white bread or a plate of rice) before 9 a.m. You can drink clear fluids (up to 2 litres) for the remaining time until the procedure.

Foods that are not allowed: Foods that are allowed:
– Alcoholic beverages, milk and milk products, smoothies, unclear juices (orange, tomato, multivitamin, grapefruit, etc.), soups, red or violet drinks, ice-jollies or jelly. – Water
– Tea, coffee with no sugar, whipped cream or syrup
 – Clear refreshing drinks (except for red-/violet-coloured drinks)
 – Apple juice
 – Clear broth
– Ice-jollies with no additives (except for red-/violet coloured) – Jelly with no additives (except for red-/violet-coloured).

If intravenous anaesthesia is planned for the endoscopy, you should come with an accompanying person. You will not be able to drive after the examination.


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